Friday 14 August 2009

McQueen Me!

I am speechless! He is the only man who can shut me up ( even my dad would want to meet him and get tips!) .......I WANT!!!


Indian Wave

I saw this model Kangana Dutta....isn't she just beautiful....give it time boys and girls and she will be owning the catwalks


Monday 3 August 2009

Bit of thigh would do nicely

This A/W I am going to brave one of the hardest accessory trends because;

a) you need long legs ( I'm 5'10 so I pass that one)
b) aim not to look like a hooker in them
c) need to wear them with an amazing outfit
d) you need to literally strut down the streets as if it is a catwalk

THIGH HIGH BOOTS....I WANT A PAIR!!! Check out the beauties above!

It's been a while......

.....I haven't left just been uberly busy sorting out NOODLE! I will be back properly in a couple of weeks but for now its more hard work,styling, prepping and travelling.
